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Important Features to Consider when Buying a Wheelchair - Harmony Home Medical Supply

Important Features to Consider when Buying a Wheelchair

Purchasing a wheelchair is a significant investment. Some could even compare purchasing this mobility equipment to purchasing a car. You'll use it on a daily basis, relying on it to get from point A to point B, and you'll want to customize it to meet your individual wants and tastes.

There is no longer a one-size-fits-all wheelchair. Today's wheelchairs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and patterns, as well as customized features. What you choose can have a big impact on how comfortable you are, how easy it is to get around, and how happy you are with your purchase.

Here, we'll provide you with some pointers on what to think about when purchasing a wheelchair. However, before we get into specific features, consider how, where, and how often the wheelchair will be used.


Dimensions and Sizes of Wheelchairs


When it comes to wheelchairs, size matters. It's critical to pick a chair that's the right size; otherwise, you can have trouble fitting into it if it's too little, or slipping out if it's too big. Make sure to measure the chair's width and height.

Age, weight, and height should all be taken into account. Keep in mind that wheelchairs are available for children and adults of various shapes and sizes. Also, keep in mind that each chair has a weight limit. The overall seat width and height dimensions will be shown on all models. Make certain to examine them.



Wheelchair Armrests and Footrests


Arm and foot rests are intended to provide support and comfort to you. When you're getting in and out of your wheelchair, they need to be robust and secure. Arm and foot rests come in a range of styles to choose from. Your arm and leg rests will provide you with more comfort, agility, and flexibility due to their length, capacity to move, and swing.



What Will Be Done With The Wheelchair?


You may require a wheelchair for a variety of reasons. You may require it on a temporary, occasional, or permanent basis. Your decision will be heavily influenced by how you use it. 

Consider the following concerns with wheelchair use:

  • When are you going to use it? 
  • How much time do you plan to devote to it?
  • Is it most likely to be utilized at home? 
  • What about when you're not at home?
  • What method will be used to carry the wheelchair? 
  • Is it necessary to fold it?
  • On what type of terrain will it be deployed?
  • Will you be able to use the wheelchair due to a physical or medical condition?

These questions will help you have a better understanding of what you're looking for and the various possibilities available to you.



Which is Better: Manual or Electric Wheelchairs?


This is likely the most important distinction to make when selecting a wheelchair. Do you prefer a more classic manual wheelchair or a more powerful electric wheelchair? An electric wheelchair makes sense if you have limited mobility, have a specific health condition, or require more help.

A manual wheelchair, on the other hand, may be better suited to your needs if you just need a wheelchair temporarily or sometimes. Some people just prefer one type to the other due to personal taste or financial considerations.

If you choose a manual wheelchair, you'll have to decide whether you want a self-propelled or attendant-propelled wheelchair. Larger wheels and hand rims are found on wheelchairs that can be operated independently, such as the Breezy Easycare or Invacare 9000XT models.

Attendant propelled wheelchairs, such as the Invacare Solara 3G and Invacare Freedom NXT, have smaller rear wheels and handles.


Transportation and Storing your Wheelchair


It's easy to ignore the ease with which a wheelchair can be stored. It's critical to select a model that satisfies your mobility demands not only at home but also everywhere you need to travel. It doesn't have to be difficult to store and move your wheelchair. Always think about the chair's dimensions in conjunction with your car or mode of transportation. Consider a lightweight, easy-to-fold chair if you drive a car. You have more space to work with if you travel in a van or make use of assisted transportation. Before you buy a wheelchair, be sure it fulfils your storage and transportation requirements.



Wheelchair Back Support and Tilt


Your level of assistance will be determined by your needs, medical condition, mobility, size, and other considerations. It's critical that you pick a chair that provides sufficient back and head support. If you require a lot of support, tilt in space wheelchairs offer a number of setting possibilities, allowing you to customize the chair to your specific needs and assure complete comfort. Most people's needs are met by chairs like the Maple Leaf Wheelchair Supertilt and the Power Plus Super Tilt Plus.



Wondering where to buy or rent a wheelchair in San Diego? Harmony Home Medical Supplies is your go-to home medical equipment distributor.

We boast the experience and knowledge to excellently address the unique needs of our customers. Turn to us for affordable, durable, and reliable wheelchairs, accompanied by a friendly environment and unsurpassed customer service.


Did this article answer your questions about buying a wheelchair? Read these next:

Previous article What is the Best Electric Wheelchair to Purchase?| The Ultimate Buying Guide

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